


不过不是每个地方都是开放给普通小民的,一般要办会员卡才能进 国内最大的狗泳池位于北京,名字叫Dog Pool(中文叫小狗池),是2014年成立的。据说老板是个美国人,在北京住了很久了,养过不少狗,后来觉得北京的游泳馆和宠物店都太少了,就自己开了一家。


现在每个月的第一个周日还会举办个party,让狗们可以玩飞盘,还可以跟别的小狗一起玩 这是他们自己的网站dogpool.com.cn 有兴趣的可以上去看看 下面是我从网上找的一些关于Dog Pool的资料和评价 Dog pool 的英文介绍

"A dog swimming pool with games and a spa for pets in Beijing, China (China). Owned by David Rouse who is originally from the USA but has lived in Beijing since he was young. He currently runs several pet businesses around town including boarding, grooming, and training services as well this swim center. The facility features three indoor pools that stay at a constant temperature of fifty degrees centigrade year round, heated by solar energy. It also includes an outdoor pool, hot tub, and sandbox where dogs can play. There is no admission fee to enter except to use one of their spa treatments which are priced on request based on weight plus materials costs. You don’t need to be a member either. A typical visit here will cost you about twenty yuan per dog and lasts between thirty minutes and two hours depending on what activity they choose. They offer classes too if you want your pooch to learn how to swim or other activities such as ball throwing. Their website offers more information along with contact details so give them a call today! This place seems like it would be really fun and I bet there isn't anything quite like it anywhere else in Asia." "There aren’t many places in Beijing, let alone all over China, where owners can bring their beloved mansbestfriend without having to clean up after its poop.But thanks to new entrepreneur Dave Rouse — whose American background allows him to understand Westerners better than some local businessmen do — people have now got a real option when they want to show off their furry friend. As long as Fido looks fit enough, Mr Rouse said his swimming pool welcomes everyone – whether it’s only just learned to


这池子,不是宠物店,是专业泳池。 这是上海的一个私人泳池,在徐汇区南丹北路10弄326号。 有狗游的地方,叫宠物游泳池(游泳吧),里面有很多小房间,每个房间里有若干小池,有大的也有小的,有深水池、浅水区等等的划分,还有专门用于洗澡的池子。

这些池子的水,都是循环使用的,每天会清理,换水后消毒杀菌处理,然后再重新注入新水,所以安全度很高。 这个“游泳馆”的价格是这样的——单次收费58元/人,年卡499元/人。 如果觉得价格贵的话,还可以去离这儿不远的一个免费游泳的地方【上海徐汇公园】。 但在这里面玩,要自带泳衣哦~这里不提供。 对了,这个游泳池里还提供免费的零食和水,可以带狗进去吃。
